children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  7 Dec 2011 Ontario
Matos, Kenneth & Galinsky, Ellen, Families and Work Institute,  1 Dec 2011 United States
Colbert, Judith A., Fairmeadow Publications,  1 Sep 2011 Canada
O’Hagan-Todd, Kathryn , Niagra Region Municipal Governement,  29 Nov 2011 Ontario
Williams, Cara, Statistics Canada,  1 Aug 2008 Canada
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,  1 Dec 2011 International
Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training & International Step by Step Association, Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training,  30 Nov 2011 International
Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011, Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011,  27 Oct 2011 International
Pokorny, Adam, Children in Europe,  1 Sep 2011 Europe
Urban, Mathias & Vandenbroeck, Michel , European Commission,  30 Sep 2011 Europe
Mulheirn, Ian & Shorthouse, Ryan, Social Market Foundation,  1 Nov 2011 Europe
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  22 Nov 2011 Canada
Campaign 2000, Campaign 2000,  23 Nov 2011 Canada
McCain, Hon. Margaret Norrie; Mustard, Fraser J. & Mccuaig, Kerry, Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation,  22 Nov 2011 Canada
Gill, Tim, London Sustainable Development Commission,  21 Nov 2011 Europe
Bell, Kate & Strelitz, Jason, Webb Memorial Trust,  2 Nov 2011 Europe
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  16 Nov 2011 Canada
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  16 Nov 2011 Canada
Centre for Children's Initiatives, Centre for Children's Initiatives,  14 Nov 2011 United States
Janmohamed, Zeenat; Pelletier, Janette & Corter, Carl, Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development,  10 Nov 2011 Canada