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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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various , National Women's Law Centre,  1 Jun 2014 United States
various , Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  30 Mar 2015 Canada
Samara, Samara,  25 Mar 2015 Canada
Del Boca, Daniela; Pasqua, Silvia; Pronzato, Chiara , The Institute for the Study of Labor,  1 Jan 2008 Europe
Domeija, David & Klein, Paul, The Review of Economic Studies,  27 Mar 2007 International
Cunningham-Parmeter, Keith, Northwestern University Law Review ,  9 Mar 2015 United States
Adair, Jennifer Keys, The Conversation,  25 Feb 2015 United States
various, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  19 Mar 2015 Canada
COFACE, Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union,  17 Mar 2015 Europe
Whittington, Les, Toronto Star,  17 Mar 2015 Canada
Gilden, R.; McElroy, K.; Friedman, E.; Witherspoon, N. O.; Paul, H. , Journal of Environmental Health,  1 Mar 2015 International
various , Clinton Foundation and Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation,  11 Mar 2015 International
Stoodley, Amy, CBC News,  17 Mar 2015 Newfoundland
Make It Work,  11 Mar 2015 United States
Insights West, Insights West,  5 Mar 2015 British Columbia
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  11 Mar 2015 Canada
Nicoll, Doreen, Rabble,  6 Mar 2015 International
Rehel, E. & Baxter, E., Centre for American Progress,  4 Feb 2015 United States
Harrington, B.; Van Deusen, F.; & Sabatini Fraone, J., Boston College Centre for Work & Family,  1 Jan 2013 United States
Lahey, Kathleen A., Parkland Institute,  6 Mar 2015 Alberta
Soukakou, E. P.; Winton, P. J.; West, T. A.; Sideris, J.H., & Rucker, L. M., Journal of Early Intervention,  6 Feb 2015 United States
Edwards, Jim, Business Insider,  21 Jan 2015 International
Friendly, M. & Macdonald, L., Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Sep 2014 Canada
BC Aboriginal Child Care Society, BC Aboriginal Child Care Society,  1 Nov 2014 British Columbia