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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Furman, J.; Powell III, W., Peterson Institute for International Economics,  17 May 2021 United States
Allen White interviews Nancy Folbre, Great Transition Initiative,  1 Feb 2017 United States
Cleveland, G.,,  25 May 2021 Ontario
Lysack, M., First Policy Response,  20 May 2021 Canada
Pasolli, L., Active History,  18 May 2021 Canada
Powell, A.; Ferns, C.; & Burrell, S., Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care ,  19 May 2021 Ontario
Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Canada,  28 Apr 2021 Canada
Mardhani-Bayne, A.; Freeborn, C.; & Soetaert, C., Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care,  1 Feb 2021 Alberta
Stringer, S. M. , New York City Comptroller,  15 Mar 2021 United States
Leach, J., Ryerson Today,  11 May 2021 Canada
Levy, R. & Palley, E., RealClear Policy,  11 May 2021 United States
Ministère de la Famille, Gouvernement du Québec,  28 Apr 2021 Quebec
Perlman, M., Hampton, D., Davidson, A., Burns, S., White. L., & Saleem, S., , Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - University of Toronto,  8 Apr 2021 Ontario
Garboden Murray, Carol, Early Childhood Investigation Webinars,  5 May 2021 United States
Ananat, Elizabeth O.; Gassman-Pines, Anna; & Leer, John Fitz-Henley II Jane, Econofact,  6 May 2021 United States
Edward, M., Pam, S., Kathy, S., Iram, S., & Brenda, T., University of London & University of Oxford,  1 Jan 2012 Europe
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment,  1 May 2021 United States
McDougald Scott, A. M. , Women's Rights and Empowerment Network,  3 May 2021 United States
Mathieu, S., Policy Options,  4 May 2021 Quebec
Beauregard, P. - L., Connolly, M., Haeck, C., & Molnár, T. L., Research Group on Human Capital,  1 Mar 2021 Canada
Nyland, B., Pearls and Irritations,  3 May 2021 Australia and New Zealand
Cleveland, G.,,  2 May 2021 Prince Edward Island
O'Sullivan, Colm; Mathieu, Sophie; & Cleveland, Gordon, Policy Options,  28 Apr 2021 Canada
Mathieu, S., Policy Options,  27 Apr 2021 Quebec