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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), NACCRRA,  15 Feb 1993 United States
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario,  1 Feb 2008 Ontario
Conseil de la famille et de l'enfance Quebec, Conseil de la famille et de l'enfance Quebec,  1 Feb 2008 Canada, Quebec
National Union of Public and General Employees,  6 Feb 2008
UNICEF, UNICEF,  22 Jan 2008 Africa
EFA Global Monitoring Report Team, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),  1 Jan 2008
Goodfellow, Joy, The University of Sydney Library,  11 Dec 2007 Australia and New Zealand
Sonia Worotynec,,  3 Feb 2008
Duvander, Ann-Zofie, Ferrarini, Tommy and Thalberg, Sara, Institute for Futures Studies,  1 Jun 2005 Europe
Clark, Alison, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  21 Jan 2008
Vancouver Elementary School Teachers' Association,  1 Jan 2008 British Columbia
Daycare Trust, The National Childcare Campaign, Daycare Trust, The National Childcare Camapaign,  1 Jan 2008 Europe
First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition,  15 Jan 2008 British Columbia
City of Toronto, Children's Services, City of Toronto,  22 Jan 2008 Ontario
Neugebauer, Roger, Child Care Exchange,  1 Jan 2008 Australia and New Zealand
Battle, Ken, The Caledon Institute of Social Policy,  1 Jan 2008 Canada
Battle, Ken, The Caledon Institute of Social Policy,  1 Jan 2008 Canada
The Division for the Promotion of Basic Education UNESCO Education Sector, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),  1 Jul 2006 Latin America and the Carribean
various, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),  1 Jan 2006 Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribean, Europe
Zero to Three and Pre-K Now, Zero to Three,  1 Dec 2007 United States
various, Center for Research on Children in the United States (CROCUS),  1 Jan 2002
Code Blue for Child Care, Code Blue for Child Care,  10 Jan 2008 Canada
The Learning Partnership, The Learning Partnership,  1 Jan 2008 Canada