children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition,  31 Mar 2005 Canada, British Columbia
Coalition of Child Care Advocates BC, Coalition of Child Care Advocates BC,  30 Nov 1999 Canada, British Columbia
Government of Canada & Government of Ontario, Government of Canada & Government of Ontario,  6 May 2005 Canada, Ontario
Alberta. Ministry of Children's Services, Alberta. Ministry of Children's Services,  21 Apr 2005 Canada
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  29 Apr 2005 Canada, Ontario
various, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  29 Apr 2005 Canada, Saskatchewan
Government of Canada & Government of Saskatchewan, Government of Canada & Government of Saskatchewan,  29 Apr 2005 Canada, Saskatchewan
Government of Canada & Government of Manitoba, Government of Canada & Government of Manitoba,  29 Apr 2005 Canada, Manitoba
Calman, Leslie & Tarr-Whelan, Linda, Legal Momentum's Family Initiative & MIT Workplace Center,  1 Apr 2005 United States
Kangas, Olli; Hansen, Hans &; Rostgaard, Tine, Danish National Institute for Social Research 30 Nov 1999 Europe
Greenwood, Margo, Assembly of First Nations, Health Secretariat,  28 Feb 2005
SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion, SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion,  1 Jan 2005 Canada
McCracken, Molly, Prairie Women's Health Centre for Excellence,  1 Feb 2005 Canada, Manitoba
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development 15 Apr 2005 Latin America and the Carribean
Karoly, Lynn A. & Bigelow, James H., Rand Corporation,  30 Mar 2005 United States
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care,  7 Apr 2005 Canada, Ontario
Campaign 2000, Campaign 2000,  6 Apr 2005 Canada
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, Government of Canada,  6 Apr 2005 Canada
various, Inclusive Cities Canada,  23 Mar 2005 Canada, New Brunswick, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia
Cox, Rachel, Status of Women Canada,  1 Jan 2005 Newfoundland, Canada, Quebec, British Columbia
Nova Scotia. Department of Community Services, Nova Scotia. Department of Community Services,  2 Feb 2005 Nova Scotia, Canada
New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development., New Zealand. Ministry of Social Development.,  1 Jan 2004 Australia and New Zealand
Barnett, W. Steven; Schulman, Karen & Shore, Rima, National Institute for Early Education Research (at Rutgers University),  1 Dec 2004 United States