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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services, Government of British Columbia. Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services,  1 Dec 2001 British Columbia
Bach, Michael, The Laidlaw Foundation,  1 Jun 2002 Canada
Friendly, Martha & Lero, Donna, The Laidlaw Foundation,  1 Jun 2002 Canada
Luxton, Meg, The Laidlaw Foundation,  1 Jun 2002 Canada
Saskatchewan Social Services, Government of Saskatchewan,  1 Dec 2001 Saskatchewan
Ceglowski, Deborah & Bacigalupa, Chiara, Early Childhood Research and Practice,  1 Mar 2002 United States
Assessing the New Federalism Research Team, Assessing the New Federalism, Urban Institute 1 Jan 2000 United States
Ferguson, Sue, Maclean's,  8 Apr 2002 Canada
NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, Psychological Science,  1 May 2002
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Feb 2002 Ontario
Nova Scotia. Department of Community Services, Government of Nova Scotia,  27 Nov 2001 Nova Scotia
Care Work in Europe Research Team, Care Work in Europe Project,  29 Nov 1999 Europe
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  7 Feb 2002
Polyzoi, Eleoussa & Mayer, Debra, University of Winnipeg and the Manitoba Child Care Association,  31 Jul 2001 Canada
Coffey, Charles and McCain, Margaret (Chairs), City of Toronto, Children and Youth Action Committee,  30 Apr 2002 Ontario
Drolet, Marie, Statistics Canada,  2 May 2002 Canada
Center for the Child Care Workforce, Center for the Child Care Workforce 1 Apr 2002 United States
Statistics Canada, Statistics Canada,  26 Apr 2002 Canada
Government of Manitoba, Government of Manitoba,  29 Apr 2002
Various, Vanier Institute of the Family,  1 Feb 2002 Canada, Quebec
Morris, P. A., Society for Research in Child Development,  1 Jan 2002 United States