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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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UNICEF Canada,  1 Aug 2021 Canada
Cervantes, S. & Öqvist, A., Journal of Early Childhood Research,  30 Jan 2021 Europe
Hoskins, K., Bradbury, A., & Fogarty, L., Journal of Early Childhood Research,  4 Feb 2021 Europe
Voyageur, C., & Bill, L, The Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre,  1 Jan 2021 Alberta
UNICEF Canada, UNICEF Canada,  1 Aug 2021 Canada
Bellows, L., Bassok, D., & Markowitz, A. J., Annenberg Institute at Brown University,  24 Aug 2021 United States
Government of Prince Edward Island, Government of Prince Edward Island,  28 Jul 2021 Prince Edward Island
Macdonald, David, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - The Monitor,  27 Aug 2021 Canada
Child Care Now,  25 Aug 2021 Canada
Leaders’ Debates Commission, Leaders’ Debates Commission,  25 Aug 2021 Canada
Cleveland, Gordon, Generation Squeeze,  25 Aug 2021 Canada
Up for Debate, Up for Debate,  25 Aug 2021 Canada
Hunley, P. & Matthews, H., The Conversation,  23 Aug 2021 Australia and New Zealand
Maclellan, S., First Policy Response,  23 Aug 2021 Canada
Niederdeppe, J., Winett, L. B., Xu, Y., Fowler, E. F., & Gollust, S. E., The Milbank Quarterly,  17 Aug 2021 United States
Mathieu, S., Policy Options (Options Politiques),  18 Aug 2021 Quebec
Schilder, D., Willenborg, P., Lou, C., Knowles, S., & Jaramillo, J., Urban Institute,  30 Jul 2021 United States
Munoz-Chereau, B., Ang, L., Dockrell, J., Outhwaite, L., & Heffernan, C. , Journal of Early Childhood Research,  14 Jun 2021 International
Diale, B. M., & Sewagegn, A. A., Journal of Early Childhood Research,  27 May 2021 Africa
Bloc Québécois,  22 Aug 2021 Canada