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Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) response in PDF
Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) response
Link to community responses to the federal budget 2017
In 2017, the 150th anniversary of Confederation gives all Canadians an opportunity to celebrate, to reflect on Canada’s past, and to chart a course for the future. Over the course of 150 years, Canada’s progress has been rapid. Together, Canadians have built something remarkable—a country that is both united and diverse, made stronger through our differences.
The Canada we know today is the result of the creativity, sacrifice and hard work of its people.
At the centre of the Canadian story is the middle class and the promise of progress: that with optimism and hard work, a better life is possible for everyone.
Middle class Canadians embraced the change that came along with progress because they could see the benefits for their families—new, well-paying jobs, stronger communities, and greater opportunities for their children.
Generation after generation, Canadians worked hard, confident that more opportunities and greater success would be their reward. Canadians have championed equal access to these opportunities, paving a better path for others.
With this budget, the Government will continue to uphold the promise of progress, for the benefit of all Canadians.
-reprinted from Department of Finance Canada
Specific to child care:
Justin Trudeau's government released its second federal budget, Building a Strong Middle Class today. Long-term child care spending was outlined in the budget. It allocates $7 billion for child care over ten years, increasing funding by $5 million between 2018-2019 and 2020-2021, with no increase between 2021-2022. After that, funding will rise to $725 million in 2022-2023 and grow each year until it reaches $870 million in 2026-2027. The public spending benchmark of 1% of GDP is used as an international minimum standard for what is required for an accessible, affordable and high quality child care system. Changes to the maternity and parental Employment Insurance programs allow parents to stretch the existing benefits (with no increase in paid leave) over a longer period—18 months.