The following survey was created by the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) to inform our response to the Ministry of Education and support our advocacy efforts in Ontario.
Completing this survey is voluntary. The AECEO and OCBCC will maintain the confidentiality of all participants, and any identifying information will be removed and pseudonyms will be used when sharing quotes. Should you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please direct them to info@aeceo.ca
The survey will take you approximately 10 minutes, and your answers can only be submitted once. Survey responses will be accepted until November 6, 2020.
The AECEO is the professional association for ECEs and its primary purpose is to advocate for respect, recognition and appropriate wages and working conditions for all ECEs. The AECEO serves our members and the ECE community in many ways, like participating in advocacy and advisory towards the provincial government and other decision makers to promote the quality of programs through increased recognition and compensation for ECEs, raising and disseminating ECEs’ questions and concerns arising from new policies and programs and changes to current systems, and collecting, analyzing and circulating relevant policy and research with a particular focus on implications and opportunities for the ECE workforce.
The OCBCC is Ontario’s central advocacy group for a universal, affordable, high quality, public and non-profit system of early childhood education and care. The OCBCC is a member organization that brings together child care centres, local and provincial groups and associations and individuals from all across Ontario. Our members are ECEs, child care workers, parents, grandparents, centre directors, and trade unionists - most importantly we are people who care about child care.