Quality child care in focus: What parents should look for from CRRU on Vimeo.
Quality child care in focus: What parents should look for is a video designed for parents of young children in Canada. Filmed in a number of community-based non-profit and public child care centres, it “shows and tells” about the elements of good quality centre-based child care that parents should look for, beginning with the basics—regulation, health and safety, as well as the physical environment, programming, staffing, relationship with parents, and public management and public funding.
The video can be viewed in its entirety or in short topical segments. Available in English and French, as well as ASL and LSQ.
Produced by the Childcare Resource and Research Unit for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. 20:37min, colour,
February, 2013.
Written by Martha Friendly and Shani Halfon.
Narrated by Anne Beaudry.
Music by Mark Bracken.
Funding for this project was made available by the CUPW/UPCE-PSAC Child Care Fund. The Child Care Fund is administered by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and financed by Canada Post Corporation.