Webinar: How are our children? Updates and policy implications from the RAPID-EC surveys

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17 Mar 2021 - 3:00pm
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Join us for a National Issues>State Action webinar to discuss the findings of the Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development-Early Childhood (RAPID-EC) project with University of Oregon Psychologist Dr. Phil Fisher, the project’s director, and Dr. Joan Lombardi, who chairs the National Advisory Group for the project and is former deputy secretary for Early Childhood Development at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

They’ll share the clear — and alarming — findings of the project and discuss it means for states’ early childhood policy agendas.

RAPID-EC has been surveying a national representative sample of families with young children (0-5) since April 2020 to gather clear and actionable information on the needs, health promoting behaviors, and well-being of children and their caregivers during the pandemic.

On this webinar, Dr. Fisher and Dr. Lombardi will share the story about children and families that’s emerging from the data, resources from the project that can enhance state advocates and policymakers, and ideas about what policy responses are needed to respond to the toll the pandemic is taking on these families.