An Environmental Scan of Public Policy and Programs for Young Aboriginal Children in BC: A Cold Wind Blows
Author: Jamieson, Kathleen
Source: British Colombia Aboriginal Child Care Society (2014)
A Good Path Forward: Understanding and Promoting Aboriginal Early Childhood Development and Care
Authors: Isaac, K. and Jamieson, K.
Source: In Our Schools, Our Selves. Summer, Special issue on ECEC. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
British Columbia: How are we doing? Aboriginal performance data 2013/2014
Author/Source: British Columbia, Ministry of Education
Early childhood education and care for Aboriginal children in Canada
Author: Preston, Jane
Source: movingchildcareforward.ca (2014)
Improving the Reach of Early Childhood Education for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: movingchildcareforward.ca (2014)
Polysynthetic Language Structures and their Role in Pedagogy and Curriculum for BC Indigenous People
Author: Kell, Sarah
Source: British Colombia Ministry of Education (2014)
Summary Report: Occupational Standards and Fair Wages for BC First Nations Early Childhood Educators
Author/Source: British Colombia Aboriginal Child Care Society (2014)
What You Need to Know About the Inclusion of Elders in Early Childhood Development Settings
Author/Source: British Colombia Aboriginal Child Care Society, 2014
Aboriginal early childhood education in Canada: Issues of context
Author: Preston, J.P., Cottrell, M., Pelletier, T.R., Pearce, J.V.
Source: Research Gate
Early learning for Aboriginal children: Past, present and future and an exploration of the Aboriginal head start urban and northern communities program in Ontario
Author: Mashford-Pringle, Angela
Source: First Peoples Child & Family Review, 7(1), pp. 127 - 140 (2012)
Childcare for First Nations children living off reserve, Métis children and Inuit children
Author: Findlay, Leanne C., and Kohen, Dafna E.
Source: Statistics Canada, 2010
Founded in culture: Strategies to promote early learning among First Nations children in Ontario
Source: Best Start Resource Centre (2010)
The state of Aboriginal learning in Canada: A holistic approach to measuring success
Source: Canadian Council on Learning (CCLA), (2009)
Report in pdf (78pp.)
Needers to leaders: CARS for women and children in rural, remote, northern and Aboriginal communities -Read abstract here. http://www.cwhn.ca/en/node/42192
Full report available with university library access
Source: Communities Achieving Responsive Services (CARS), Canadian Women's Health Network , (2009)
Report in pdf (52 pp.)
Aboriginal early language promotion and early intervention
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development, (2008)
Document in pdf (8 pp.)
Enhancing Aboriginal Child Wellness: The Potential of Early Learning Programs
Author: Preston, Jane P.
Source: First Nations Perspectives, 1 (1), pp. 98-120. (2008)
Full article in pdf
Aboriginal Quality of Life, IRPP Choices, 14(7)
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: Institute for Research on Public Policy, (2008)
Report in pdf (32 pp.)
Vulnerable children in Canada: Research insights and policy options
Source: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, 2008
Aboriginal children's survey, 2006: Family, community and childcare
Source: Statistics Canada (2008)
Aboriginal Children and Early Childhood Development - Linking the Past to the Future
Author: Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S., Ngaroimata Fraser, T.
Source: Canadian Journal of Native Education (2007)
Available with access to university library.
Inuit early childhood education and care: Present successes - promising directions
Source: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (2007)
Northern childcare: Childcare as an economic and social development in Thompson (MB)
Author: Prentice, Sarah
Source: Child Care Coalition of Manitoba (2007)
Children are a gift to us: Aboriginal-specific early childhood programs and services in Canada
Author: Greenwood, Margo
Source: Canadian Journal of Native Education, 30(1), pp. 5-18. (2006)
Full article available with university library access.
Measuring social support in Aboriginal early childhood programs
Author: Ball, Jessica., and Elliot, Enid.
Source: Aboriginal Children's Circle of Early Learning, 2005
Full Research Connections issue in pdf, see pg. 41 for article
For the next seven generations: Early learning and child care programs for children in First Nations and Inuit communities: AFN consultation with BC First Nations community representatives
Source: British Columbia Aboriginal Child Care Society, 2005
- Paper in pdf (22 pp.)
- Summary of key themes in Word
First Nations early learning and child care action plan
Source: Assembly of First Nations, 2005
Early childhood development single window strategy: Summary report of First Nations regional dialogue sessions
Source: Assembly of First Nations, 2005
Report in pdf (15 pp.)
Early childhood care and development programs as hook and hub for inter-sectoral service delivery in First Nations communities
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: Journal of Aboriginal Health, Volume 12, Number 1, 2005
Article in pdf (18 pp.)
Where to from here? Building a First Nations early childhood strategy
Author: Greenwood, Margo
Source: Assembly of First Nations, 2005
Discussion paper in pdf (12 pp.)
Early childhood development activities and expenditures: Early learning and child care activities and expenditures, 2003-2004
Source: Government of Canada, 2005
See Chapter 6 for overview of services for First Nations families and children.
National dialogue on federal Aboriginal early childhood development strategy: Draft dialogue report
Source: Aboriginal Research Institute of Six Nations Reserve, 2005
Many voices, common cause: Addressing Aboriginal early childhood development education and training needs
Source: British Columbia Aboriginal Child Care Society, 2004
The community within the child: Integration of Indigenous knowledge into First Nations childcare process and practice
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, 2004
Aboriginal children in poverty in urban communities: Social exclusion and the growing racialization of poverty in Canada
Source: Canadian Council on Social Development, 2003
Revised handbook of best practices in Aboriginal early childhood programs (The 2003 version is no longer available)
Source: British Columbia Aboriginal Child Care Society, 2008
The challenge of creating an optimal learning environment in child care: Cross-cultural perspectives
Author: Ball, Jessica
Source: Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships, 2002
Considerations for evaluating ‘good care' in Canadian Aboriginal early childhood settings
Author: Stairs, A.H., Bernhard, J.K
Source: Ryerson University, 2002
Whispered gently through time: First nations quality child care: A national study
Author: Greenwood, Margo & Shawana, Perry
Source: Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
Aboriginal child care in review: Part I
Author: Greenwood, Margo
Source: Canadian Child Care Federation, 2000
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal people
Source: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1996
(see volume 3, chapter 5, section 3.1 for section on early childhood education.)