

A NEW WAY OF THINKING? Towards a vision of social inclusion

Holiday Inn - Crowne Plaza Hotel
101 Lyon Street

There is a great deal of interest among policy-makers and analysts in the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion in Canada. But what do these concepts mean? How do we move from experiences of exclusion to inclusion? What would a national policy agenda and politics based on social inclusion look like? What are the civic dimensions of social inclusion? How does social inclusion complement and strengthen recognition, rights and citizenship? How can we secure the social inclusion of children and families through policies, practices and participation in areas such as labour market, economic security, child development and child care, recreation and public education, and community participation? These questions will be addressed in plenary sessions and in several smaller workshops. Presenters will include several international and national commentators on social inclusion, researchers and authors of social inclusion papers for the Laidlaw Foundation, and other public policy experts/practioners from within and outside of government. Mark your calendars now! Co-sponsored by the Laidlaw Foundation and the Canadian Council on Social Development The conference fee is $275 for early registration or $300 after October 12th. Special registration fee of $175 is available for voluntary sector organizations (or $200 after October 12th). Registration will be limited to 125 people to ensure full participation at plenaries and allow for small workshop settings. Please share this notice with others in your organization who may be interested in attending. Please visit the related website for the preliminary program.

Contact name: 
Sarah Zgraggen
Contact phone: 