

Webinar: Honoring children's rights in the early childhood classroom

Online, Eastern Time
Event date: 
29 Jul 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Join us on Thursday, July 29, at 2 PM ET as we are joined Madeleine Hutchison, RECE, MA Early Childhood Studies. In this webinar we will discuss how honoring and empowering children's rights in early childhood education and care is crucial in providing a healthy development in the first 5 years of life. We will focus on the core four rights for children as outlined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how we can create a rights-respecting environment in our early years classrooms. Modeling and empowering rights in the early years sets the foundation for healthy and supportive relationships, empathy development, self-confidence and awareness of consent and bodily autonomy. Children who grow up understanding their rights and the rights of others will develop a deep understanding of how to interact with others, respect boundaries, advocate for themselves, and know that their voice matters. Sign up today so you don't miss out!  


Meet our special guest

Madeleine Hutchison
RECE, MA Early Childhood Studies 

Maddie is a Registered Early Childhood Educator with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Child, Youth and Family Studies and holds a Masters degree in Early Childhood Studies. Maddie has worked as an Infant, Toddler and Preschool educator and is passionate about advancing the rights of children, families and educators in the childcare space. Maddie is now a Junior Customer Success Manager at HiMama!  

In this session we will talk about...

  • What are Children's rights and why are they so important.  
  • Creating a rights-respecting environment in your classroom 
  • Rights in Practice: Modeling consent and empowering children  
  • Children's participation in their rights  


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What’s next for child care? Reflecting on Pan-Canadian and global progress

Online event
Event date: 
28 Jul 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Register here

In Budget 2021, the Federal government committed an unprecedented $30 billion dollars over 5 years to build a nation-wide early learning and child care system. This follows years of relentless advocacy from the feminist movement calling for affordable, high-quality universal child care for all. Since the budget announcement, there have been bilateral child care agreements signed in British Columbia and Nova Scotia, with more expected later this summer. We’ve also seen Canada commit $100 million to the global care economy. So, what’s next?

Hear from leading gender equity advocates from across the country on what they see as the future of child care and feminist recovery in Canada and beyond.

Featuring speakers:

• Martha Friendly - Executive Director, Child Care Resource and Research Unit

• Amy Juschka - Director of Communications & Advocacy, YWCA Metro Vancouver

• Chantelle Krish - Board Director with Minerva Foundation for BC Women, Strategic Advisor on Advocacy, Equity & Communications

• Amar Nijhawan - Women's Rights Policy & Advocacy Specialist, Oxfam Canada

Moderated by Anjum Sultana, National Director of Public Policy & Strategic Communications at YWCA Canada

We’ll also celebrate our one-year anniversary of the Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for Canada, the exciting progress made from coast to coast to coast and how you join the fight for gender equity.

This event will have French Intrepretation and Closed Captioning.

#WhatsNextForChildCare #CdnPoli #InvestInCare #ChildCareNow


Quelle est l'avenir des services de garde d'enfants ? Réflexion sur les progrès nationaux et mondiaux

Dans le budget 2021, le gouvernement fédéral s'est engagé à verser la somme sans précédent de 30 milliards de dollars sur cinq ans pour mettre en place un système national d'apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants. Cette décision fait suite à des années de plaidoyer incessant de la part du mouvement féministe en faveur de services de garde d'enfants universels, abordables et de qualité pour tous. Depuis l'annonce du budget, des ententes bilatérales sur la garde d'enfants ont été signées en Colombie-Britannique et en Nouvelle-Écosse, et d'autres sont attendues plus tard cet été. Nous avons également vu le Canada s'engager à verser 100 millions de dollars à l'économie mondiale des soins. Alors, quelle est la suite ?

Écoutez les principales défenseuses de l'équité entre les genres de tout le pays sur ce qu’elles voient comme l'avenir des services de garde d'enfants et de la relance féministe au Canada et au-delà.

Avec des intervenantes :

• Martha Friendly - Directrice générale de l’Unité des ressources et de la recherche sur les services de garde

• Amy Juschka - Directrice des communications et du plaidoyer, YWCA Metro Vancouver.

• Chantelle Krish - Membre du conseil d'administration de la Minerva Foundation for BC Women, Conseillère stratégique en matière de plaidoyer, d'équité et de communication.

• Amar Nijhawan - Spécialiste des politiques, Oxfam Canada

Le panel sera modéré par Anjum Sultana, Directrice nationale des politiques publiques et des communications stratégiques chez YWCA Canada.

Nous célébrerons également le premier anniversaire du Plan de relance économique féministe pour le Canada, les progrès passionnants réalisés d'un océan à l'autre et la façon dont vous pouvez vous joindre à la lutte pour l'équité des genres.

#AvenirDeLaGardeDenfants #InvestirDansLesServiceDeGarde #ServicesDeGardeMaintenant

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YWCA Canada