curricula and pedagogy

Diversity and social inclusion: Exploring competences for professional practice in early childhood education and care

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training & International Step by Step Association
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice

On track - Supporting healthy child development and early identification in the early years: A reference guide for professionals in Ontario

Publication Date: 
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Best Start: Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice

International innovations in ECE: A Canadian forum on early childhood frameworks -- Call for Presentations

University of Victoria Victoria , BC ,
Event date: 
13 Jul 2012 - 12:00am to 15 Jul 2012 - 12:00am


Call for proposals: This conference is currently seeking proposals for presentations. Deadline for submission in October 31, 2011.

Conference description: Early childhood care and education is very much on the contemporary international agenda, and one key facet of that agenda is the introduction of early childhood frameworks. These frameworks have profound implications for early years policies, programs, research, and practice - they have provided the opportunity for numerous innovations in the field.

This conference, the first of its kind in Canada, brings renowned early childhood leaders from Reggio Emilia Italy, New Zealand, and Australia to Victoria, British Columbia for learning, sharing, and planning ways forward for Canada's young children and families.

Featured conference speakers include:

* Dr. Carla Rinaldi (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
President and inspirational leader of Reggio Children*

* Dr. Margaret Carr (New Zealand)
Co-author of the innovative and influential Te Whaariki, New Zealand's bi-cultural early childhood curriculum framework

* Dr. Jennifer Sumsion (Australia)
Co-leader of the national consortium that recently developed Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia

We invite early childhood practitioners, instructors, advocates, policy makers, researchers and graduate students from across Canada to come together in a unique national early childhood forum to present, to discuss, and to plan creative approaches to early years practice, policy, research and training, all within the beautiful setting of Victoria in the summer.

The conference is hosted by the Unit for Early Years Research and Development, located at the University of Victoria's School of Child and Youth Care. The conference builds on the ongoing Investigating Quality project initiated by the Unit in 2005, which explores the links from theory to policy to practice.

For more information on the conference, including the call for presentations and conference rates, please visit the conference website.

* Immediately following the Victoria Conference, Reggio Emilia's travelling "Wonder of Learning" exhibit will be launched in Vancouver. Stay longer and participate in both events!
