Research, policy & practice

Research, policy & practice

The dynamics of child care subsidy use: A collaborative study of five states

Publication Date: 
Thursday, August 1, 2002
Meyers, Marcia K.; Peck, Laura R.; Davis, Elizabeth E.; Collins, Ann; Kreader, J. Lee; Georges, Annie; Weber, Roberta; Schexnayder, Deanna T.; Schroeder, Daniel G. & Olson, Jerry A.
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice

Making child care choices: How welfare and work policies influence parents' decisions -- Policy brief

Publication Date: 
Sunday, September 1, 2002
Gennetian, Lisa A. ; Huston, Aletha C.; Crosby, Danielle A.; Chang, Young Eun; Lowe, Edward D. & Weisner, Thomas S.
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice