
Send a letter to your MPP about our 3 big ideas to solve the child care crisis in Ontario

Your living room with friends; anywhere



The Ontario government has promised that their commitment of 100,000 new child care spaces will usher in a "transformative", "groundbreaking" and "visionary" new approach to early learning and child care. We need to hold them to this promise. Our community cannot settle for the status quo. Adding spaces alone, even 100,000 new spaces, does not in itself achieve system change. It merely replicates our current patchwork on a larger scale. 

Read the OCBCC's submission to the Ontario government's consultation.

We need the Ontario government to ensure that our three ideas - an affordable fee scale, decent work for educators, and limiting for-profit child care - form the foundation of a new early years and child care system. With the province's renewed child care framework set to be announced in Spring 2017, there is an urgent need to ensure that our elected officials hear that our community has the solutions to Ontario's child care crisis.

Raise your voice!

Use our letter template to tell your MPP that you support the OCBCC's call for an affordable fee scale, decent work for educators and limiting for-profit child care. Find your MPP's contact information.

Post our shareable images (below) on social media to let people know that you support the consensus on the three ideas to build a better future for child care. You can tweet at the Minister for Early Years and Child Care at @MPPIndiraNH.


Building skills in early years and child care - Ottawa leadership training

CUPE Local 505 Training Hall
1505 Carling Ave
K1Z 7L9 Ottawa , ON
Event date: 
8 Apr 2017 - 12:00am to 9 Apr 2017 - 12:00am



We are partnering with long-time child and family advocate Olivia Chow and the Institute for Change Leaders to offer province-wide training sessions with the aim of connecting ECEs and early years staff with parents and engaged community members to strengthen our campaign for Professional Pay & Decent Work in early years and child care.  

This 2 day training session is an excellent opportunity for those working or studying in the early years and child care sector who are interested in taking up an active role in their communities and in our Professional Pay campaign. Participants will gain the skills and confidence to engage others, to become leaders in their work or school environments and to champion positive change in our sector.

The curriculum teaches emerging leaders how to:


  • Gain self confidence to tell your story/speak your mind to motivate others  
  • Recruit and retain members of your community/program to work towards a common goal
  • Build strong Communities of Practice (CoP) that foster leadership among ECEs, staff and parents
  • Strategize in a CoP setting and utilize tactics that build power and move decision makers
  • Have a strong social media presence


Participants will take away skills and knowledge that can be used to organize Communities of Practice (CoP) and promote leadership among teams in a variety of early years settings.

We have a limited amount of spots available to students currently enrolled in an ECE diploma or degree program. Click here to register as a student (available on a first come, first served basis) 

Lunch & refreshments will be provided for the 2 day session.  

Professional Learning certificates will also be provided to participants. 

-reprinted from the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario

Contact name: 
Lena Da Costa
Contact email: 

Early childhood education summit

Montreal Convention Centre
1001 Jean Paul Riopelle Pl
H2Z 1H5 Montreal , QC
Event date: 
4 May 2017 - 12:00am to 5 May 2017 - 12:00am


In the wake of the Commission on Early Childhood Education and its report, which was unveiled on February 21, the Association québécoise des CPE, in collaboration with the Institut du Nouveau Monde, invites you to attend the Summit on Early childhood education on 4 and 5 May.

The objective of the Summit is to follow up on the report of the Commission on Early Childhood Education. To do this, we want to bring together experts, organizations and associations from the fields of family, education, economy and health. It will provide an opportunity to discuss the findings and recommendations of the report and to identify the most promising consensus to pursue the objectives of family policy.

Your contribution to this exercise is essential since we all share a common goal: to promote equality of opportunity and optimal development of toddlers.

To know all the details about the Summit (program, cost, registration), visit  !


It's 2017: Is childcare still a women's issue?

Ryerson University, Rogers Communication Centre, Room 204
80 Gould Street
Toronto , ON
Event date: 
8 Mar 2017 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm


Together we marched... Now what?

A free international women's day panel discussion featuring Fay Faraday (Equal Pay Coalition), Laurel Rothman (Campaign 2000), Randi Sears (Women's Habitat) and Shani Halfon (RECE).  CPL certificates will be offered. 

A special event put on by the Ryerson Students' Childcare Advocacy Association

Contact name: 
Contact email: 