child development

Building a firm foundation for lifelong learning: The importance of early childhood education and care

Childcare Resource and Research Unit


In the 21st century, new technologies, rapid globalization, a shift away from traditional employment patterns and recognition that ongoing renewal of knowledge and skills is essential have contributed to a new emphasis on "lifelong learning". There is general agreement that strategies for lifelong learning should incorporate a "cradle to grave" or life-cycle approach so that a continuum of learning encompasses early childhood through youth, the working years and the senior years.


Targeting early childhood care and education: Myths and realities - Executive summary

Gillian Doherty


This BRIEFing NOTE is the Executive summary of Targeting early childhood care and education: Myths and realities by Gillian Doherty (2001). This study reviews research literature about the effectiveness of targeting early childhood programs to selected populations as well as literature on the relative effectiveness of different kinds of programs that are intended to enhance or support child development.

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