public opinion
Backlash after Conservative child care tweet
Child care for $10 a day feasible in Canada
Martha Friendly's speech at Bellevue Child Care Centre [Video]
Speak up for child care: Reframing the child care conversation in Canada
Metro Hall - Room 308
55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario
A panel presentation with Trish Hennessy, Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Ontario Office, and Brooke Richardson, doctoral candidate in Policy Studies at Ryerson University, will critically examine the existing framing of child care in Canada and explore progressive reframing of the issue in preparation for the 2015 Federal election.
Inspired by the work of cognitive psychologist George Lakoff, Trish and Brooke explore how ideology and emotion often trump rational policy debates. This session will explore how to progressively reframe and reclaim the child care conversation at this crucial time.
This is a FREE community event, to register please email Lyndsay Macdonald
This event is sponsored by Advocates for Progressive Child Care Policy (APCP), Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario, The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, The Child Care Resource and Research Unit, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ryerson School of Early Childhood Studies and the Vote Child Care 2015 campaign.
Professional development certificates will be rewarded to participants at their request.