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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Moss, Peter, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  18 Jun 2007 Europe
Matthews, Hannah & Jang, Deeana, Center for Law and Social Policy,  1 May 2007 United States
Frede, Ellen; Jung, Kwanghee; Barnett, W. Steven; Esposito Lamy, Cynthia & Figueras, Alexandra, National Institute for Early Education Research,  1 Jun 2007 United States
various, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  11 Jun 2007
Wise, Sarah, Australian Government. Australian Institute of Family Studies. Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse.,  1 May 2007 Australia and New Zealand
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, Government of Canada,  30 May 2007 Canada
Beaupré, Pascale & Cloutier, Elisabeth, Statistics Canada,  13 Jun 2007 Canada
Best Start Expert Panel on Quality and Human Resources, Government of Ontario. Ministry of Children and Youth Services.,  1 Mar 2007 Canada, Ontario
Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning, Government of Ontario. Ministry of Children and Youth Services.,  1 Dec 2006 Canada, Ontario
Lynch, Robert G., Foundation for Child Development,  1 May 2007 United States
Child Care Human Resources Sector Council, Child Care Human Resources Sector Council,  1 Apr 2007 Canada
Torjman, Sherri, Caledon Institute of Social Policy,  30 May 2007 Canada
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care,  29 May 2007 Canada, Ontario
Government of New Brunswick. Department of Family and Community Services., Government of New Brunswick. Department of Family and Community Services.,  1 Jun 2007 Canada, New Brunswick
Institut de la statistique de Québec, Institut de la statistique de Québec,  2 May 2006 Canada, Quebec
Roy, Laurent & Bernier, Jean, Gouvernment du Québec. Ministère de la Famille, des Aînés et de la Condition féminine,  1 Jan 2007 Canada, Quebec, Europe
Government of Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada., Government of Canada. Human Resources and Social Development Canada.,  17 May 2007 Canada
Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket),  16 Apr 2007 Europe
Savoie, Denise (sponsor), Chow, Olivia (seconded), House of Commons. Parliament of Canada.,  17 May 2007 Canada
Myhrman, Rolf & Säntti, Riitta, Institutional Repository (Valto),  8 Mar 2007 Europe
Save the Children, Save the Children,  8 May 2007 Canada
Mitchell, Linda & Brooking, Keren, New Zealand Council for Educational Research,  6 May 2007 Australia and New Zealand
Prentice, Susan, Child Care Coalition of Manitoba,  23 Apr 2007 Canada
FPG Child Development Institute at UNC-Chapel Hill, FPG Child Development Institute at UNC-Chapel Hill,  22 Mar 2007 United States
Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights, Senate of Canada,  26 Apr 2007 Canada