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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Doherty, Gillian, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Jul 2001
Early, Diane & Winton, Pamela, National Center for Early Development and Learning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,  1 May 2001
Government of Canada, Health Canada, Childhood and Youth Division,  1 May 2001 Canada
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD],  1 May 2001
Reynolds, Arthur; Temple, Judy; Robertson, Dylan & Mann, Emily, American Medical Association,  9 May 2001 United States
Government of Canada, Government of Canada's Social Union website,  8 Apr 2000 Canada
The Ontario Alternative Budget Working Group, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives 10 May 2001 Ontario
Barbeau, Carole, Human Resources Development Canada Labour Program,  1 Mar 2001 Canada
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,  1 May 2001 Europe
Freiler, Christa; Stairs, Felicite; Kitchen, Brigitte & Czerny, Judy, Government of Canada,  1 Mar 2001 Canada
Davies, Lorraine; McMullin, Julie Ann; Avison, William & Cassidy, Gale, Status of Women Canada,  1 Feb 2002 Canada
Government of Ontario, Government of Ontario, Ministry of Community and Social Services,  1 Dec 2000 Ontario
NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, Society for Research in Child Development,  1 Apr 2001 Canada
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canadian Union of Public Employees 22 Mar 2001
Canadian Council on Social Development, Canadian Council on Social Development 27 Mar 2001