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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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UNICEF, UNICEF,  1 Feb 2012 International
Bashevkin, Sylvia, Friedrick Ebert Stiftung (FES) Washington,  1 Jul 2012 Canada
Wilcher, Holly Higgins; Gebhard, Barbara & Williamson, Suzanne , Zero to Three,  31 May 2012 United States
various, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  1 Jul 2012 International
Torjman, Sherri, Maytree Foundation,  28 May 2012 Canada
La Paro, Karen M.; Thomason, Amy C.; Lower, Joanna K.; Kintner-Duffy, Victoria L. & Cassidy, Deborah J. , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,  1 Jun 2012 United States
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  9 Jul 2012 Europe
Friendly, Martha & Halfon, Shani, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  3 Jul 2012 Canada
Watson, James, Economic Intelligence Unit, The Economist,  26 Jun 2012 International
Lloyd, Eva & Penn, Helen (Eds.), The Policy Press,  1 Jul 2012 International
Taguma, Miho; Litjens, Ineke; Heejin Kim, Janice; Makowiecki, Kelly , Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ,  1 Jul 2012 International
Ministry of Education, Government of Ontario, Ministry of Education, Government of Ontario,  27 Jun 2012 Ontario
Voices-voix: Defending advocacy and dissent in Canada, Voices-voix: Defending advocacy and dissent in Canada,  27 Jun 2012 Canada
Vanier Institute of the Family, Vanier Institute of the Family,  11 Jun 2012 Canada
Whitebook, Marcy, Center for the Study of Child Care Employment,  3 May 2012 United States
various, Korea Institute of Child Care and Education,  25 Jun 2012 International
Moodie-Dyer, Amber, Children & Schools, 33(1), 37-45,  1 Jan 2011 United States
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  19 Jun 2012 Canada
North Shore Community Resources, North Shore Community Resources,  23 Feb 2012 British Columbia
Nutbrown, Cathy, Department for Education, United Kindgom Government (England),  19 Jun 2012 Europe
City of Toronto, City of Toronto,  31 May 2012 Ontario
Local Child Care Planning Council of Humbolt County, Local Child Care Planning Council of Humbolt County,  12 Jun 2012 United States