Children in Europe is a magazine for everyone working with and for children from 0-10 and their families, and those interested in children's issues. The magazine is published simultaneously in 11 languages (including French), by a network of national magazines in 14 countries. Its main aim is to enable the exchange of ideas, practice and information, focusing in particular on young children.
The current issue, not available digitally yet, Issue 13- Multiple belongings: achieving equality of opportunity for all Europe's young children, explores the role of early childhood services and the first years of schooling in helping to combat inequality. With contributions from eight countries, this issue demonstrates how services that are high quality, offer well resourced care and education, recognise diversity in curricula and have a professional workforce can promote equal opportunity for all young children regardless of their ethnicity, religious and cultural beliefs, gender or disabilities.
Selected back issues are available for purchasing digitally (view 'Instant Access Price'). All issues are available for hard copy purchasing.