Research and Analysis
Alberta government must change our child care policies
Moore-Kilgannon, Bill
SOURCE: Public Interest Alberta, 2010
- Press release
Canada's children not for sale: CUPE sounds the alarm about the latest big box child care operator in Canada
Canadian Union of Public Employees, 2010
- article
- backgrounder
Alberta's day care controversy: From 1908 to 2009 and beyond
Langford, Tom
SOURCE: Athabasca University Press
- Ebook in pdf (424 pp.)
Edleun commences national expansion through acquisition of six centres in British Columbia
Edleun Group Inc.
SOURCE: Canadian News Wire, 2011
Edleun to expand BC presence by acquiring Vancouver area centre (link no longer available)
Edleun Group, Inc.
SOURCE: Canadian News Wire, 2011
Public schools no home for corporate childcare
Public Interest Alberta, 2011
- Media release Apr 13
- Media release May 10
News articles
Edmonton schools reject for-profit daycare
SOURCE: CBC News, 2011
Edleun completes acquisition of two child care centres
SOURCE: Canadian News Wire, 2011
Public school board rejects company's bid for space
Pratt, Sheila
SOURCE: Edmonton Journal, 2011
All-day kindergarten under threat?
Monsenbraaten, Laurie
SOURCE: Toronto Star, 2010
Purchase of six additional childcare centres advances Edleun's growth strategy
SOURCE: Canadian News Wire, 2010
Edleun eager to expand outside Alberta
Ladurantaye, Steve
SOURCE: Globe and Mail, 2010
Coming soon: big box babycare (link no longer available)
Scott Howell, Trevor
SOURCE: Fast Forward, 2010
Fast-growing firm buys three city daycares (link no longer available)
SOURCE: Calgary Herald, 2010
Beware of corporate day cares: analyst
CBC News, 2005
Canadian mines 'big-box' daycare
Monsebraaten, Laurie
SOURCE: Toronto Star, 2005