Canadian documents
Organizational structure and behaviour in day care: Differences between non-profit and for-profit centres
Analysis of data from Child Care Management Study.
P. Canning
SOURCE: Canadian Journal of Infancy & Early Childhood, 9 (2): 67-78. 2002.
In print: CIRC ID# 17331
See also:
A sociological examination of the child care auspice debate [See Observed Quality section]
Garderies à but lucratif et garderies sans but lucratif subventionnées: Vers une évaluation de la qualité [See Compliance with regulations section]
Child care by default or design?: An exploration of differences between non-profit and for-profit Canadian child care centres using the You Bet I Care! data sets [See Observed quality section]
You Bet I Care! Report 1: A Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres [See Wages and working conditions section]
International documents
Sector distinctive administrative attitudes and practices among for-profit and nonprofit child care providers: A social judgment analysis
E. Gelles
SOURCE: Portland: The Aspen Institute, Portland State University. 2002.
In print: CIRC ID# 17258