How do the parties' child-care platforms stack up?
CBC, 19 September 2021
Martha Friendly, executive director of the Childcare Resource and Research Unit weighs in on the federal parties' platforms and promises on child care and early childhood education.
Opinion: What if childcare was a dads’ issue too?
The Globe and Mail, 17 September 2021
Little Talks, Big Ideas: New beginnings - Episode 2
Little Talks, Big Ideas, 15 September 2021
What will each party’s childcare plan do for you?
The Pointer - Ballot Vox, 14 September 2021
Martha Friendly joins San Grewal to discuss what could be the watershed moment for Canadian child care policy and specific child care concerns in the Peel region. Martha highlights that the lack of public delivery, policy and planning in the Peel region has resulted in a huge child care market. Martha notes that child care centres in Peel are often for-profit and as a result are some of the most expensive in the province of Ontario.
The Liberals promise big spending on child care. The Conservatives, not so much
The Globe and Mail Editorial Board, 13 September 2021
This federal election, I’m voting for child care—here’s why you should, too
Carolyn Ferns, 13 September 2021
Conservatives and Liberals have different plans for Canada. Vote accordingly
Toronto Star, 12 September 2021
The election no one wanted is ultimately about child care
Ken Dryden, 10 September 2021
Which political party has the best child care plan?
Gordon Cleveland, 10 September 2021
Conservatives proposed tax credits for child care won’t fix a fractured system
The Record, 9 September 2021
$10aDay child care: Life-changing impacts for BC families
$10aDay Child Care, 30 August 2021
Child care in this election definitely isn’t child’s play
iPolitics, 30 August 2021
Families would save more with $10-a-day child care fees than with tax credits
David Macdonald, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 27 August 2021
Why universal child care is a better choice than subsidies
Bradley Lafortune, 24 August 2021
An examination of the Conservative Party of Canada's proposed childcare refundable tax credit
Gillian Petit, Lindsay M. Tedds & Tammy Schirle, 24 August 2021
Conservatives go back to the future for child care proposals in this federal election
Martha Friendly, 23 August 2021
Child care will be the defining issue of the election
Sarah Boesveld, Pamela Uppal & Carolyn Ferns, 21 August 2021
How much might the CPC childcare credit cost and where is the rest of the federal ELCC money going to go?
Jennifer Robson, 19 August 2021
Lies, damned lies, and conservative politicians
Gordon Cleveland, 17 August 2021
A Canada-wide system of early learning and child care
Sophia Mohamed & Laurel Rothman, 30 July 2021