Through their publications and advocacy, Campaign 2000 has always placed a great emphasis on universal child care as a key part of a poverty reduction strategy for children and their families. Many of their publications include discussion of child care and the need for a national child care plan to address child poverty in Canada.
Report Cards
Revisting family security in insecure times. 2011 report card on child and family poverty in Canada
Additional publications from Campaign 2000
Summoned to stewardship: Make poverty reduction a collective legacy
by Novick, M. (2007)
Reducing child poverty to increase productivity: A human capital strategy brief to the Standing Committee on Finance pre-budget consultation
by Rothman, L. (2005)
The impact of poverty on the health of children and youth
by Singer, R. (2004)
Pathways to progress: Structural solutions to address child poverty
by Freiler, C. Rothman, L. & Barata, P. (2004)
Diversity or disparity? Early childhood education and care in Canada: The ECEC Community Indicators Project
by Campaign 2000 (2003)
Campaign 2000 Press Releases
Political parties called to act on poverty
Campaign 2000, 27 Sep 2011
Poverty and Inequality: opposition gets it but government doesn't
Campaign 2000, 6 Jun 2011
Addressing child and family poverty in Canada: Where do the parties stand?
Campaign 2000, 29 Apr 2011
The budget: Measuring-out in coffee spoons for families
Campaign 2000, 22 Mar 2011
It's time for the Federal Government to do its part
Campaign 2000, 17 Mar 2011
Five years after cancelling the national child care program: High cost, little choice for parents
Various Authors
CUPE on Marketwire, 4 Feb 2011
Eradicating poverty good for the economy, premiers told
Campaign 2000, 6 Aug 2010
New poverty figures show poverty eradication must be part of recession recovery
Campaign 2000, 17 Jun 2010
Women and children still last: No thank you, Mr. Flaherty!
Campaign 2000, 5 Mar 2010
Ontario government moves forward on early learning
Campaign 2000, 27 Oct 2009
Ontario pointed in the right direction on early learning
Campaign 2000, 17 Jun 2009
Campaign 2000 asks Prime Minister Harper to keep interests of children on the agenda for fall session of Parliament
Campaign 2000, 17 Nov 2008