

Leading through change: Rethinking early learning and child care

Online, Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) AB
Event date: 
29 Apr 2022 - 6:30pm to 30 Apr 2022 - 3:15pm

Excerpted from conference website: 

AECEA's Leadership Conference 2022

Leading Through Change: Rethinking Early Learning and Child Care 

AECEA is hosting an online leadership conference on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. (MDT).

The conference will begin on Friday evening with keynote speaker, Jane Beach. As lead researcher for the Roadmap to a Quality Early Learning and Child Care System in Alberta, Ms. Beach will be discussing the vision and principles that should guide early learning and child care policy development and provision.

Saturday will consist of sessions on pedagogical leadership, pedagogical documentation, administrative leadership, and team building strategies. Saturday will wrap up with a session called "Rising Strong After Set Backs". And, of course, there will be an online exhibition hour and 'door prizes' at the end of the day!

Cost: $75 for AECEA members, $100 for non-members

Please note that registrations will be closed April 28.

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Our power: Creating a just future for all

Online, Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Event date: 
7 Apr 2022 - 6:30pm

Excerpted from event description

We have a chance to make a change.

For 40 years, wages have stagnated and public spending on our essential public services has declined. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, already-existing inequality has soared. Our front-line workers are stretched thin and burnt out. Climate change is reaching critical and irreversible levels. There is no doubt that the situation we are collectively facing is dire. 

But we have seen time and time again what happens when the people band together in solidarity to demand change. It's not enough to return to normal. We need to create a future where absolutely no one is left behind. 

How do we build a just recovery that starts with public services and puts working Albertans at the centre? How do we refuse to return to the inequitable status quo and demand better?  Join us every Thursday evening in April at 6:30pm for a wide range of discussions about what we need to do to protect and strengthen our public services and take bold action for a just recovery.



Understanding affordability in Alberta's new fee system

Understanding affordability in Alberta's new fee system
Online, Mountain Standard Time (MST) AB
Event date: 
24 Feb 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

The Government of Alberta has released its plan to reduce child care fees in Alberta by an average of 50% by early 2022. Under this plan, every family’s out-of-pocket fees will decrease, but lower-income families will not see a 50% decrease—and some may see a decrease of less than 15%. As a result, child care may still be unaffordable for lower-income families under the new system. This talk will explain how the new system works, why it creates uneven decreases for different families across Alberta and will discuss both short-term and long-term options for changing this situation. 

Our Guest

Rob Buschmann, PhD is a research associate at the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. He is currently CUP’s representative to the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care (ECELC), an organization with the vision of early learning and care for all children that is high in quality, universally available, accessible, affordable, and responsive to the diversity of individual children and their families.

Contact name: 
Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta (AECEA)
Contact email: 
Contact phone: 
(780) 421-7544