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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,  13 Jun 2001 Australia and New Zealand, Europe, United States
Statistics Canada, Statistics Canada,  20 Apr 2002 Canada
Eknes, Kirsten Gjemdal, OECD and Human Resources Development Canada,  5 Dec 2000 Europe
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 31 May 2000 Canada, Europe, United States
The Clearinghouse on International Development in Child, Youth and Family Policies, The Clearinghouse on International Development in Child, Youth and Family Policies 30 Nov 1999 Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Europe, United States
Raden, Anthony, The Foundation for Child Development,  1 Aug 1999 United States
Grundy, Lea; Bell, Lissa & Firestein, Netsy, Foundation for Child Development,  1 Dec 1999 United States
Blank, Helen; Shulman, Karen & Ewen, Danielle, Children's Defense Fund 1 Sep 1999 United States
Children's Defense Fund, Children's Defense Fund 1 Jan 2001 United States
Capizzano, Jeffrey; Tout, Kathryn & Adams, Gina, The Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism Project 10 Sep 2000 United States
Saluja, Gitanjali; Scott-Little, Catherine & Clifford, Richard, Early Childhood Research and Practice 1 Sep 2000 United States
Grissmer, D. W., Flanagan, A., Kawata, J., & Williamson, S., RAND,  24 Jul 2000 United States
Blau, David M., National Bureau of Economic Research 1 Jul 2000 United States
Hinckle, D., U.S. Department of Education,  30 Jun 2000 United States
Hamilton, Gayle; Freedman, Stephen & McGroder, Sharon M., Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation,  1 Jun 2000 United States
Gallagher, J. & Clifford, R., Early Childhood Research and Practice 1 Mar 2000 United States
Mezey, Jennifer; Schumacher, Rachel; Greenberg, Mark H.; Lombardi, Joan & Hutchins, John, Center for Law and Social Policy 3 Mar 2002 United States
Bergmann, Barbara & Helburn, Suzanne, Palgrave,  1 Dec 2001 United States
Mitchell, Anne W., Foundation for Child Development,  1 Apr 2001 United States
Gallagher, James; Clayton, Jenna & Heinemeier, Sarah, National Center for Early Development and Learning,  1 Feb 2001 United States