Starting Strong II (2006) (Final report)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 19 Sep 06
See pp.45-72 for two chapters on ECEC program integration
- Chapter 2: A systemic and integrated approach to early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy
- Chapter 3: A strong and equal partnership with the education system
As well, see pp. 157-176 for Chapter 7: Appropriate training and working conditions for early childhood education and care staff
- Early learning and child care: How does Canada measure up?
BRIEFing NOTE, Childcare Resource and Research Unit
Martha Friendly, 1 Oct 06
Canada Country Note (Report of the Canada ECEC review)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 25 Oct 04
Especially see pp.71 for discussion of Upstream Policy Recommendation 3: "Build bridges between child care and kindergarten education, with the aim of integrating ECEC both at ground level and at policy and management levels."
- OECD Thematic Review of Canadian Early Childhood Education and Care: Highlights from the recommendations
BRIEFing NOTE, Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 25 Oct 04
Starting Strong (2001)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 13 Jun 01
See pp.126-129 for recommendations on the integration of services as a key element of successful ECEC policy:
- A systemic and integrated approach to policy development and implementation
- A strong and equal partnership with the education system
- Executive summary: Starting Strong- Early Education and Care. Report on an OECD Thematic Review
BRIEFing NOTE, Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 1 Jun 01