Think child care is no longer a women's issue?
By Martha Friendly and Shani Halfon
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 6 Mar 13
News flash: Mothers still need child care - straight from the horse's mouth
By Friendly, Martha
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 23 Jun 2011
Educated, employed and equal: The economic prosperity case for national child care
SOURCE: YWCA Canada, 7 Mar 2011
"I should have applied before I was pregnant": How child care in Toronto fails mothers
SOURCE: Mothers' Task Force on Child Care, 17 Jun 2011
National child care often promised, still missing
By Friendly, Martha
SOURCE: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 11 Oct 2010
Tackling women's and children's poverty- Early learning and care services are part of the solution
By Prentice, Susan
SOURCE: Childcare Coalition of Manitoba, 4 Dec 2009
No lifeline for women and children in today's budget?
by Friendly, Martha
SOURCE Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 27 Jan 09
Child care policy and the labor supply of mothers with young children: A natural experiment from Canada
by Lefebvre, Pierre & Merrigan, Philip
SOURCE: Journal of Labor Economics, 2008, vol. 26, no. 3
Why Canada can't work without good childcare: How early childhood education and care supports the economy
By Friendly, Martha
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Sep 2008
Caring about employability
SOURCE: Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, 31 Oct 06
It was twenty years ago today...March 8, 1986
CRRU Briefing Note by Martha Friendly
SOURCE Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 8 Mar 06
The OECD and the reconciliation agenda: Competing blueprints
By Mahon, Rianne
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, 2005
Women, equality & social programs: The vital connection
By Day, Shelagh
SOURCE: Poverty and Human Rights Project, 19 Jan 2005
New realities of earning and caring
By Jenson, Jane
SOURCE: Canadian Policy Research Network, 29 Oct 04
Voices: Women, poverty and homelessness in Canada
SOURCE: National Anti-Poverty Organization, 1 May 04
Women in non-standard jobs: The public policy challenge
By Townson, Monica
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, April 03
Also available in French.
Living beyond the edge: The impact of trends in non-standard work on single/lone-parent mothers
By Stephenson, Marylee and Emery, Ruth
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, 16 Oct 2003
Feminist perspectives on social inclusion and children's well-being
by Luxton, Meg
SOURCE: Laidlaw Foundation, June 02
The framing of poverty as 'child poverty' and its implications for women
by Wiegers, Wanda
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, June 2002
Also available in French.
Social policy, gender inequality and poverty
By Davies, Lorraine; McMullin, Julie Ann; Avison, William & Cassidy, Gale
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, February 2002 / In html and pdf.
Also available in French.
Stacking the deck: The relationship between reliable child care and lone mothers' attachment to the labour force
By Mason, Robin
SOURCE: Campaign 2000, May 2001
Mothers as earners, mothers as carers: Responsibility for children, social policy and the tax system
By Freiler, Christa; Stairs, Felicite and Kitchen, Brigitte with Cerny, Judy
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, February 2001 / In html and pdf.
Also available in French.
Women, citizenship and Canadian child care policy in the 1990s
by Tyyskä, Vappu
SOURCE: Childcare Resource and Research Unit, March 2001
Women's support, women's work: Child care in an era of deficit reduction, devolution, downsizing and deregulation
by Doherty, Gillian; Friendly, Martha & Oloman, Mab
SOURCE: Status of Women Canada, March 1998 / In html and pdf.
Also available in French.