curricula and pedagogy
Innovations in provincial early learning curriculum frameworks
Why play?
Children in Europe -- A sense of place: Environments, community and services for young children
Math and science in preschool: Policies and practice
Families and communities engagement in education
Materials available online
Theoretical perspectives
Children's right to play: An examination of the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. Lester, S., & Russell. W. (2010). Working papers in: Early Childhood Development. Bernard van Leer Foundation.
The state of Aboriginal learning in Canada: A holistic approach to measuring success
Useful websites
Skolverket. Swedish National Agency for Education
Skolverket is the central administrative authority for the Swedish public school system including the preschool and school-age child care systems. Skolverket ensures that national targets for child care and the school system are achieved through development, research and evaluation. Skolverket's extensive English language website provides a wealth of information on the Swedish ECEC system.
Other selected research, overviews and media
International and comparative research
Issues in education for children three to eight in six countries
by Richard M. Clifford & Gisele M.Crawford
Source: FPG Child Development Institute, 2009
Report in pdf (8 pp.)