Note: The following excerpts from the regulations are for reference purposes only. For the most current official version of the Act and Regulation, please go to the Nova Scotia government's website.
Day Care Act, 1989.
Day Care Regulations (amended 2011 by N.S. Reg. 155/2011)
25 (1) A licensee must adhere to the food and nutrition standards established by the Minister.
(2)Each meal served to a child who is enrolled in a day care program must
(a)be nutritious; and
(b) provide servings from each of the food groups identified by Health Canada.
(3) Each snack served to a child who is enrolled in a day care program must
(a)be nutritious; and
(b) provide servings from at least 2 of the food
groups identified by Health Canada, including at least 1 serving of
vegetables or fruit.
(4) Each child enrolled in a full-day program must be provided with a lunch, a morning snack and an afternoon snack.
(5) Each child enrolled in a part-day program and a school-age program must be provided with a snack.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), each child enrolled in a
school-age program may bring a lunch from home or be provided with a
(7) Children who bring their lunch from home must
eat apart from children who are provided with a lunch by the program.
(8)For a family home day care program,
(a) each child who is in attendance during a regular meal period must be provided with a meal; and
(b) each child who is in attendance before or after a regular meal period must be provided with a snack.
Menus must be developed and followed
(1) A facility director or, in the case of a family home day care
program, a care provider, must develop and follow menus.
(2)A menu must be kept on file for 12 months.
(3) A facility director or, for a family home day care program, a care provider, may make a substitution to a menu if
(a) the substitution is of equal nutritional value to the original menu item;
(b)the menu documents the substitution; and
(c)a record of the substitution is kept on file for 12 months.
Infant feeding requirements
27 (1) Breast milk or formula provided by a parent for an infant must be
(a) labelled to specify the name of infant, the date received, and the contents;
(b)refrigerated at 4.0° C or lower; and
(c)stored in accordance with Provincial guidelines.
(2) Food provided by a parent for an infant must be dated,
refrigerated if required, and used or discarded before the expiry date.
(3) An infant who cannot hold a bottle must be held by a staff member during bottle feeding.
(4)An infant must not be fed in a crib or by bottle propping.