Note: The following excerpts from the regulations are for reference purposes only. For the most current official version of the Acts and Regulations, please go to the PEI government's website.
Child Care Facilities Act. 1988. Chapter c-5.
Child Care Facilities Regulations.
Part III
Public health
16(2) A facility shall, if it provides a food service for the children, have a
sanitary food preparation area and follow practices to the satisfaction
of the public health officer. (EC475/87)
Part V
22. (1) The supervisor shall ensure that all meals and snacks that are
served meet the nutritional requirements of children in accordance with
Canada's Food Guide.
(2) Where meals or snacks are supplied by the
facility, menus shall be posted in a prominent location for the
information of parents and kept on file for a period of 30 days.
(3) A child attending for 3 hours or more shall, if present, be provided with
(a) a mid-morning snack;(b) a mid-afternoon snack;
(c) a noontime meal;
(d) an early evening meal or breakfast if required. (EC475/87)