Note: The following excerpts from the regulations are for reference purposes only. For the most current official version of the Acts and Regulations, please go to the Yukon government's website.
Child Care Act. 1990.
Child Care Centre Program Regulation 1995/087.Nutritional standardsNutritional standards
(1) The operator must, after consulting with the parents or guardians, ensure that there is a sufficient quantity of foods that meet the basic nutritional requirements of the children in attendance; Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating and Native Food Guide must be used in
conjunction with established guidelines.
(2) Subsection (1) does not forbid the supplying of food from the child's home.
(3) The operator must ensure that children who are in attendance when the following meals or snacks are served, have
(a) a morning meal, a mid-day meal, or an evening meal that includes at least four food groups as regulated by subsection (1), and
(b) a mid-morning, mid-afternoon, or midevening nutritional snack that includes at least two food groups as regulated by subsection (1).
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to infants.
(5) The operator must ensure that school-aged children have an after-school snack.
(6) All foods must be prepared, stored, and served under sanitary conditions; foods supplied from the child's home must be stored and served under sanitary conditions; items which are perishable within the
time they were prepared and intended to be eaten, must be refrigerated.
(7) During bottle feeding, each child who cannot hold their own bottle must be held; propping a bottle on a pillow or some other thing so the child can feed themself is not permitted; no child shall be allowed to walk around while drinking from a bottle.
(8) Each infant must be fed according to its needs and schedule.
(9) Menus must be posted and followed.
(10) An adequate supply of drinking water which meets the guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality must be available at all times.